
Tuesday, 28 May 2013



  • Essential oils can be excellent tools for helping us in wintertime cold symptoms. Essential oils are the volatile oils produced by certain aromatic plants, flowers and trees. They are the most concentrated form of herbal medicine, with one drop of essential oil being roughly equivalent to one ounce of plant material. While essential oils are widely used for their fragrances in cosmetic products and aromatic candles, their medicinal value should not be overlooked. Essential oils contain powerful chemical compounds that can have therapeutic effects on our physical and mental and emotion well-being.

  • Many of the essential oils that is good for treating discomforts of colds and minor illnesses. Commonly used oil is lemon and eucalyptus. The active chemical compounds in eucalyptus have always been used in chest balms and vaporizers for treating congestion of the respiratory system. It is excellent for bronchial,  nasal mucous, and for respiratory disease.

  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) oil and Lemon (Citrus limon) juice has proven   effective to loosen mucus and soothe the throat

 Tea tree oil is widely used for viral and bacterial infections because it contains both anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities. It is a safe and gentle essential oil that is safe for even small children.

 Fir (Abies siberica) has anti-infectious and antiviral properties and is used to alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

Both fir & Eucalyptus can alleviate aches and pains associated with colds and the flu.

  •  Pine oil is used in respiratory disease, cough, cold and chills. Oil gives strengthening and energized body.

  •  Rosemary oil is used in colds, bronchitis, burn, headaches and it relaxes mood and body.

  • Lavender oil is used in skin care, burns, cuts, stress, insomnia, colds and flu. It helps to stimulate the immune system, as well as soothe aches and chills and general blahs. 

All these essential oils can be used in simple, pleasant home remedies. One good way to treat respiratory congestion is to take some steaming water, add 2-5 drops of oil, put a big towel or cloth and cover head and the bowl, and inhale the vapors for at least 5 minutes.

Another option is to add 10-12 drops of essential oil per ounce of massage oil or lotion and massage into the skin. The essential oils will be absorbed through your skin and into your body. If you're doing this to relieve chest congestion, rub it mainly on the chest and back. Never use essential oils undiluted on the skin as they are very concentrated and could be irritating.

Baths are another enjoyable way to receive the benefits of essential oils. Simply add   about 10 drops to a hot bath and relax for at least 15 minutes. Sometimes the simple act of taking some time out for ourselves is what it takes to get rid of those miserable colds.

Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of water. Hold in palm in cupped position and sniff it up your nostrils. In a few seconds your mouth will fill up with mucus. Spit it till it stops coming out.

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