
Wednesday, 22 May 2013



There are so many aromatherapy oils in the market to improve hair growth and prevent hair loss. They are one of the ingredient of shampoo may shampoo, or blended with base oil (jojoba oils) for   hair treatment and   head massage. Some of these essential oils are as follows:

Arnica essential oil, (Arnica montana) it has pungent, earthy franance. It is obtained from steam distillation of flowers and roots.  Flowers are yellow in color. It has healing property, so used in the treatment of Alopecia (baldness).

Bay essential oil (Pimenta racemosa) is sweet in taste, it is deep yellow in color, and it is watery viscose in nature. Bay leaves are obtained or distilled with rum; this oil is famous for hair tonic. Bay oil stimulates hair growth; remove dandruff and revitalizes dry/ dull hair. It is used as calming and warming effect on emotion but higher dose produces a sedating effect. Regular use of about 3-4 drops of bay essential oil in shampooing will improve hair texture.

Basil essential oil (Ocimum basilicum) is uplifting and relaxing oil. It is generally used to dispel anxiety, headache and depression. The essential oil is a powerful scalp stimulator, and promotes healing and natural hair growth. It produces a warm tingling sensation when you apply to your scalp. It is used as conditioner also.  Apply this oil with herbs such as Ivy Burdock and Fenugreek it gives good result. It contains eugenol, so it may irritate the skin to overcome this blend this with base oil.

 Cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens) is relaxing oil and prevents hair loss. It reduces oiliness in your scalp and improves blood circulation. It is good for dandruff also.

 Lavender essential oil (Lavendula officinalis) is uplifting and relaxing oil. It is used in skin and hair care. Oil has a property of cell-regenerating. Oil is used to promote hair growth and to prevent hair loss.  This oil is effective for all types of hair.  Because it regulate sebum production and useful for either dry or oily scalp. If lavender is blend with rosemary oil it give amassing effect to your hair.

Rosemary essential oil (Rosemarinus officinalis)   is one of the oldest herbs used in modern era. It has amassing aroma that relaxes mood very easily. It is stimulating oil, so it stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth.  It contains camphor, which gives strength to hair-bulb and improves hair loss. It blends well with peppermint oil, cedar wood oil, basil oil and frankincense.

 Precaution – Hypertensive patient and pregnant women should avoid it.

Jojoba essential oils are the best oils used to heal regularly hair breaks or falls out.  treat the hair, approximately  25- 30ml of Jojoba  essential oil should be used in conjunction with 4-8 drops of  rosemary oil, lavender oil, basil oil, cedar wood oil etc

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